5 minute guide to using JS PubSub and Noty
5 minute guide to using PubSubJS and Noty A little background, Publish/Subscribe is a design pattern for decoupling components in software (or i guess anywhere in the world). The basic idea is that one thing publishes information to a well known place and another subscribes to it. There is lots of good writing about it out there, check it out on Wikipedia . In my situation we wanted to display page level notifications. I would consider these to be messages that aren't tied to a web widget or element (like a message in a form). Page level notifications can increase the usability of your application (too many or badly placed one can reduce it :) This tutorial will show you a simple way to create a subscriber that publishes messages to the browser using noty . And uses PubSubJS to handle the Publish/Subscribe work. The tools You will need a few things for this tutorial. jQuery PubSubJS noty - jquery plugin Grab them and download, or you can try this shell snippet:...