Birth The last few weeks, i've been pushing Bootstrap in various directions. Most of the time, its being hacking around Popovers. Our current design uses Popovers with forms. It provides a very nice balance between in page action and more subtle interruption to viewing the page than a modal. Over the last few weeks, I've found a few quirks with using Popover's trigger action of 'focus'. This works fine with forms but on Chrome and Safari 'focus' events are supported incompletely . In addition to that varied support we have a few other needs that inspired a new Bootstrap extension. BootstrapX - Clickover . Our requirements are: Click button/link/icon to toggle display of popover content Option to click 'away' from popover to close Ability to have 'popover' autoclose after some amount of time Option to have element inside of popover hide it I suspect, in the future, it will need to only auto close when user's mouse...
Dancer does lots of great things. It has a nice clean way to define routes to handle AJAX routes using the plugin Dancer::Plugin::Ajax . ajax routes are defined in a clear way: ajax '/stuff' => sub { # do work and return }; This plugin technique allows for clear way to separate between ajax and other types of actions for the same route. ajax '/stuff' => sub { # do ajax-y stuff here }; get '/stuff' => sub { # handle html response }; Unfortunately, the one negative with Dancer::Plugin::Ajax is that is assumes all responses will be XML. A quick fix is to manually set the content type in each ajax handler. ajax '/stuff' => sub { content_type('application/json'); # do work }; or add set it as a general option in your main before hook or in each prefix route handler like: package WebApp; hook before => sub { if ( request->is_ajax ) { content_type('application/json'); } }; ...
2 ways to get SQLite to put dates into a column. insert into mytable values( null, datetime('now') ); insert into mytable values( null, strftime('%s', 'now')); The first one inserts a row somewhat like this: 1|2009-03-10 18:47:46 The second inserts an unix timestamp: 2|1236711411 It might be best to use that unix timestamp with an integer column type for dates since SQLite doesn't support a datetime one. It makes comparisons and ordering much easier: select * from dt where lu > strftime('%s', '2009-03-10'); Output of: id|lu 6|1236643200 2|1236711411 3|1236711516 4|1236711518 5|1236711519 But the formatting is pretty ugly. :-/ Hey what about formatting it within the select with the SQLite datetime function: select id, datetime(lu, 'unixepoch') lu from dt order by lu; id|lu 6|2009-03-10 00:00:00 2|2009-03-10 18:56:51 3|2009-03-10 18:58:36 4|2009-03-10 18:58:38 5|2009-03-10 18:58:39 Better but having to add that to each select is kin...
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